Banner courtesy of the Genesius Guild Theatre Foundation
Info for Donors
The only sources of funds for the Rock Island Community Foundation are gifts, bequests or grants from the citizens of the community and area businesses. No contribution is too small, and any such tax-free and tax-deductable gift will be received with genuine gratitude.
Anonymous gifts are gladly accepted. The Foundation is also able to comply with various other conditions and restrictions which donors may wish to impose on their gifts or bequests.
The Foundation operates solely in the public interest and has no alliances whatsoever with private interests. The foundation also does not conflict or compete with existing charitable organizations - its purpose is to supplement rather than challenge such organizations.
Click here to learn more about our gift acceptance policies
Below, we have outlined some of the most common ways citizens contribute to the Rock Island Community Foundation. Alongside these donation options, you will see some of the many organizations our funds have helped in the past. If you have questions or concerns about donation methods, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to provide more information, tailored to your particular gift. Through your generosity, we are committed to helping Rock Island grow for years to come.
.FY’23 DONORS—September 1, 2023—August 31, 2024
Stan & Kay Coin Charitable Trust
Norm & Janet Moline
Friendship Manor
Harlan M. Wiss Charitable Remainder Trust
$1,000 +
Ann Austin
Norm & Janet Moline
Robert & Marilyn Noe
Michael & Sue Oberhaus
Gary & Linda Rowe
Mark & Debbie Schwiebert
Dorothy Beck & Phil Dennis
Karla Miley
Bryan & Michele Blew
Mike & Sara Darrow
Jerry Goddard
Thomas & Susan Hammar
Jack & Mary Knepp
Bill & Cathy Marsoun
Paul & Sue McDevitt
Jennifer Walker
Steve & Marla Andich
Dean & Julie Bacon
Ann Balderson
Robert Braun
Nancy Califf
James & Sally Cecil
Kurt Christoffel
Michael Diamond & Lori Lefstein
Lowell & Patricia Dorman
Lawrence & Cynthia Graves
Paul & Julie Hansen
Rose Ann & Jim Hass
Robert & Carol Hawes
Virginia Houlton
Sonja Knudsen
Kevin & Jane Koski
Liz & James Loveless
Chip & Vicky Morrow
Ted & Lori Pappas
John & Karen Phillips
Nancy Taber
Up to $99
Louis & Laura Belby
Emma Carillo-Peters
Alan Carmen
Jeff & Martha Dismer
Donald & Katherine Healy
Carolyn Krueger
Robert & Kathy Lelonek
Jeff & Mary Newcomb
Paul Plagenz
Margaret Tweet
Mandle Design
Ann Austin
Julie & Paul Hanson
Kay Coin
Ann Austin
Stan & Kay Coin
Gary & Linda Rowe
River Bend Food Bank
Foundation Investments
When it was formed, the Rock Island Community Foundation executed a Trust Agreement appointing two banks to serve as Trustees of the Foundation's funds and of all subsequent gifts or testamentary bequests made to the Foundation. Thus, professional management, continuity of control and security of the funds are assured for this charitable organization.
Gifts of Cash
Individuals and Corporations
The simplest way to give is to write a check payable to the Rock Island Community Foundation and mail it to the Executive Director at 1800 3rd Avenue Suite 302, Rock Island, IL 61201. Or call 309-948-3403 to make other arrangements. Corporate or business gifts of this nature, are also respectfully solicited and welcome.
Of course, we will honor donors’ preferences if they wish to restrict their gifts to a specific organization or cause.
Ballet Quad Cities
Spring Forward
Memorial Gifts
If you desire to make a memorial gift, please include the name of the person being honored, and the names of the relatives to be notified by the Foundation. This is a wonderful way to honor the life of a loved one.
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Gifts of Stock or Real Estate
Anything of value may be the subject of a gift - not only cash, but stocks, bonds, debentures, even real estate - can be donated to the Rock Island Community Foundation.
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Gifts of Life Insurance
Life insurance policies can be made payable to the Rock Island Community Foundation.
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Leave a Legacy - Bequests
Another excellent way of helping the Rock Island Community Foundation, as well as your community, is to include a provision in your will for the payment of a specific sum to the Foundation (or name the Foundation as the residuary beneficiary of your estate). This type of gift would not be payable until after the donor's death.
Estate gifts are one of the simplest, most flexible, and most popular ways you can support the Rock Island Community Foundation.
Use the language in your life insurance, IRA, or other beneficiary designation forms OR
Provide it to your attorney for your will or living trust
A specific dollar amount
A percentage of the estate
Specific assets
SAMPLE LANGUAGE: I leave ($ amount/% of my estate, etc.) to the Rock Island Community Foundation, an Illinois corporation with Tax ID 36-6163829, to support the Foundation’s work in Rock Island, IL.
You also can contact a Gift Planning professional to prepare your gift and inform the Rock Island Community Foundation of your intentions.
Still have questions?
We are happy to help in any way we can. If you want more information about donating to the Rock Island Community Foundation, simply reach out in whichever way is most convenient for you.
Visit Us
1800 3rd Avenue, Suite 302
Rock Island, IL 61201
Call or Email
Executive Director, Gary Rowe